I.D. Grip Collet Chucks

With Over 30 years of experience manufacturing and heat treating collets, our collets have a reputation of being second to none. Combine this with proven chuck designs and quality manufacturing processes and the outcome is a durable, dependable, accurate chuck which maximizes "up time".

Accuracy: The chuck is repeatable within .001 inch TIR when gripping a qualified part master.

Actuation Options:
          Spring Applied
          Pneumatic Applied
          Hydraulic Applied
          Draw Bar Applied
          Spring Release
          Pneumatic Release
          Drawbar Release
          Hydraulic Release

Actuation Options:
          Pull Down Grip
          Static Grip
          Built-In Cylinder
          Master Collet (with replacable Collet Pads)
          Serrated Grip Surface
          Carbide Etched Grip Surface
          Air Registry
          Face Clamps
          Coolant Interface

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Jade Tool, Inc.
891 Duell Rd, Traverse City, MI 49686
Telephone: 231-946-7710 | Fax: 231-946-0324