Application information can be submitted via this form, telephoned into an engineer at 231-946-7710, or faxed to 231-946-0324. If you have a drawing that you would like to send in, you can send it as an attachment to or fax it to 231-946-0324. When sending part files, please provide the drawing in Autocad .DWG, Cadkey .PRT, .IGS, or .DXF format.

If you have any additional questions, please contact the Jade Engineering Department at or by calling 231-946-7710, Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm eastern time.

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Jade Tool, Inc.
891 Duell Rd, Traverse City, MI 49686
Telephone: 231-946-7710 | Fax: 231-946-0324